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Digital dialogue platform
on social-ecological transformation
Driving socio-ecological transformation
The necessary structural change in our forms of living towards resource-efficient and climate-friendly practices is already being driven by various actors in our society. DigiLog offers a platform to give these actors a voice and to draw attention to a wide range of innovative approaches to accelerate the socio-ecological transformation.
Join us in discussing analyses and reform proposals for a successful land use transition from the Expert Group on Global Economy and Social Ethics.
Change Agents shape tomorrow's solutions!
Agents with sufficient power, resources, creativity and a willingness to innovate and reform can be effective drivers of change. Pioneers of change can point out the limits of the current economic and social self-understanding and provide new narratives that can orient social change. A successful social transformation needs to be a coupled learning process that encompasses the individual, organizational and social dimensions. A "great mindshift" in terms of values and prosperity determines the objective. Effective drivers of change are able to use favorable (political) windows of opportunity to drive transformation and break down established barriers. They are often also able to actively open these windows of opportunity. In order to initiate change processes, the role of change agents is of great importance: they question existing (political, cultural) paradigms and offer alternative forms of action, particularly through their role as a leading figure.
In our contributions, we would like to address the strategies, alternative narratives and success factors of successful transformation. Last but not least, we will also highlight the main obstacles to successful transformation processes. In our forum, we invite you to discuss a wide variety of narratives, niche innovations and social critiques.
Key levers to drive transformation
Discover our latest articles and change agents!
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